About Me



As a Visual and Digital Product Designer, I’m always enthusiastic about exploring beyond the conventional, challenging preconceptions, and iterating according to discovery. Designing for mobile and web has encouraged me to blend problem-solving, research, and imagination to enhance the human experience. I’m also passionate about influencing positive change, and I hope that I can contribute to improving inclusivity and accessibility through our everyday digital interactions. Check out my project reel below!


I recently graduated with an Honours Bachelor degree of Design from York University, completing courses in various disciplines — including interaction, typography, research, and human-centered design. Alongside my studies, I completed two co-op terms as a Visual Designer with the Royal Bank of Canada. I also had the pleasure of sharing my passion with my friends and peers as Co-President of the Design Students’ Association during my last two years. Our team photo, taken by John Sanchez, is featured below!

View my résumé

DSA team photo

Tools & Interests

In terms of technical skills, I've been able to familiarize myself with Figma, HTML, CSS, (a little bit of) Javascript, and Adobe CC!

During my free time, I find pleasure in exploring plant-based restaurants, engaging in hackathons, developing my front-end coding skills, and engaging with the design community! I also love connecting with new people as well, so feel free to say hi :)

Get in touch!